Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I guess I can work out for 7 minutes.

I hate working out. The only workout I can stand is biking from one place to another, and that's because it's cheaper than driving and I dislike parking cars. But as any biker knows, biking might tone your legs but it really will not cut down on your chubby parts. I started a new desk job a month ago that doesn't allow for a standing desk and has a 3-mile bike commute instead of a 12-mile, so my body has not been extremely happy with me. And when she's not happy...she grows. Fatter.

When I saw a 7-minute workout in The New York Times magazine, I had to try it. You do a series of exercises for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds rest in between, for about 7 minutes total. You just need a floor, and a chair! I have those things. So here is a 1-minute video I made for you that's a super-sped up version of the workout. It's pretty, pretty easy. 

I even made myself a playlist that tells me which exercise is next, plays a 30-second clip (from a variety of amazing and inspiring YouTube videos), rests for 10 when you should be resting, etc., all the way through the workout. You can download it if you want (fo' free!).

Here is a picture of the exercises you should be doing. I hope you wiggle when you plank a little, just like I did. Man does that look weird sped-up.

Ok happy working out! Or not. I still hate it even if it's only 7-minutes. 

1 comment:

  1. This is sooo hard! I love it! I was sore after but since it was only 7 mins of hell, it was doable! I feel ya gurl, I have gained 7 pounds since starting my first desk job.
